
Truth is a hidden treasure of your heart. Hidden Truth speaks on meditation. Only the true hears. Mediate, and see it to your pleasure. All worship and all meditation are to reveal the truth. Reveal the truth and be alive. This is what all great souls did. Physical frame is Read more…

Spiritual Unity

  Spiritual unity is a bonded weld in love and affection for each other in Universe. There is no room for No. 2 in spiritual unity, all are one. Spiritual unity forbears and shares the sufferings of each other beyond differentiation. Spiritual unity asserts that everybody is brethren. Love and Read more…

free your mind


  Everybody posses it and the rest of all creations below man. What it is? How it is? What is the origin of the mind? From where did it emanate? At what stage and when it is being gifted to man and for what purpose? It is the store house of peace and pleasure, Read more…


  At length we have to say goodbye to this earth. Investigation of inner self insures immortality. Investigate. Why we have been created and sent to earth? What was our stage in pre born position in the Spiritual World? How we were? What we were? Where we would be hereafter? Read more…


  Charity has life. Which views you tenderly in difficulty, which views you and reduces the difficulties in the last hour of breathing. Which proves its strength and saves you from all diseases, advocates for you to free from all pains visible and invisible. Charity cures, that which medicine cannot Read more…


  What is Worry? Want of knowledge is worry. Worry eats out the energy of your mind as rust eats up iron. Weed out worry and be a Master of mental peace. Mental depression is the seed for all angry activities. Worry never stands beside knowledge. Presence of mind and Read more…


Imagination is the scale which weighs the wonders of the Almighty. All the achievements of the modern world are the flower of imagination. Imagination blossoms when peace is perfect. Only man is gifted to imagine. Man ranks high, above the rest of all creations, only because of imagination. Imagination is Read more…


Wisdom is the creation of the Almighty. It is the crown of all creations. It cannot be seen, but its achievements can be seen and admirable. Creative intelligence is the gift of the Almighty for the pure and perfect. Creative intelligence is the treasure of all Wisdom. It is by Read more…


  Ignorance rules envy. Envy rules evil. Evil rules all sin. Sin rules the hell. Avarice and envy are the mother of all sins. Envy has no Peace. A sinner has no conscience, nor any justice. A sinner earns the sin only for his soul. A leaky pot can never Read more…


Man deceives himself when he over rules his conscience. Conscience is the best of all judges. There is no cure and remedy when it punishes. Peace is not at all possible when conscience punishes. A living conscience never permits you to err by any means. Conscience speaks deep from the Read more…