Right Path


Praise all be to the Almighty — ! Lord of all the worlds seen and secret, beneficent the most and matchless in Mercy, payer of the right wages on the Day of Judgment. We pray and ask none, but to you only, show us the straight path. The path of Read more…

Peace be on You

Priceless Peace

Peace is PricelessPeaceless Prayer is Useless By the name of Gracious the most matchless in Mercy and by whose Authority the sun shines and the moon moves in the sky. Hearty Welcome to Dear Readers. May the Almighty — Majestic Lord of Universe full of Mercy and Grace, be well Read more…



Peace belongs to Paradise. Paradise belongs to the fair and pious. Surely remembrance of the Almighty – who protected and fed us while we were an embryo, restores peace to the heart. Peace requires Patience, Patience requires Knowledge, Knowledge requires curiosity. Peace is a hidden treasure of your soul. Inner Read more…