His is the love and mercy that created you, gave you wisdom, feeds you and guides you as inspiration blesses you by this message. There is no full stop for inspiration. Its guidance is ever alive speaks and guides from generations to generations.
Genius is one who turns adversity as advantage. Every adversity brings with it the seed of a corresponding prosperity.
The Rose blossoms in the midst of thorns. It never worries the thorns around of it. But it spreads the fragrance and its rich beauty. Be a rose and do good for the mankind. You will live forever beyond time and nature. The poor lives for gain but the rich lives for the truth. The road of hell starts in evil and ends in pain. The road of heaven starts in fairness and ends in pleasure. Only great souls have WILLS but feeble ones have only wishes. Surely patience has life and also praise. Let your patience call the Almighty. Surely you will receive a reply to your astonishment.