Death is silent and alive, but strong in effect.  
It is a loaded weight on each and every soul. 
It never seals the holy nor the pious.   
It has no effect on the pure and perfect.

There is a life after death. Spiritual. Fully Spiritual. Why man forgets his destiny after death? Only for want of spiritual knowledge.

Death is the creation of the Almighty for human and sub-human. Nobody is exempt from the decree of the Almighty.

Death has eyes. It is watching you day and night for an appointed hour. Be alert and worship the Creator. Man is a missing object in earth. If you are a missing object in earth, where would you be found? Realize the living truth before it is getting too late and be full and alive with the divinity.

Life moves on the axis of the death.

Death is a decree passed on each and every soul with birth. The life after death becomes pleasure only for the pure and perfect. But pain for the unfair and faithless. Man becomes deathless only he realises the deathless and joins with the deathless — the Almighty, Lord of Universe and creation. The ordinary dies with death. But the extraordinary lives spiritually forever.

What is the distance between death and life?
The distance between ignorance and knowledge. 
Meditation removes all ignorance.

Speech and Sight are the gift of Almighty. Both are subject to withdrawal. Make haste to mention His name before you are made speechless. Of all His creations man is the highest and  most blessed creation. The stooper of the world will clear on death. But to be clear before death is the highest wisdom, Wisdom the Great.

Physical strength is subject to perish. But spiritual strength is not subject to perish. It is permanent and ever alive.
Death is two types. One is Physical and the other is Spiritual. Spiritual death is a loss which can never be made good in the kingdom of peace.

One who knows death never dies. It is the spiritual knowledge that keeps you ever alive, that never permits you to smudge in earth or to become a powdered dust in fire. See how great, highest and holy is the spiritual knowledge and the blessings of the Almighty. These blessed spiritual messages are from the very presence of the Almighty and it is a permanent gift to you from the holy Lord of Universe.


Q: Why man is made mortal?

A: In order to understand and worship the Creator.


Q: If the earthly life ends in death, where does the death end?

A: Death ends on the realisation of the Almighty.


Death closes all the gates of pain and pleasure in earth and opens the paradise of peace to the true and fair.

Everything that comes to earth passes away and vanishes from the vision of earth. See the trees. See the sub-human creations – animal and birds and sea living subjects. Nothing remains permanent. To die with the death is the act of the ordinary, but to live on death is the act of the extraordinary. A follower of truth, a possessor of truth never dies with the death. He lives forever beyond time and nature.

Every soul has got its own last hour to meet with.

Man becomes a spiritual figure after death.



Categories: Quotes

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