Inspiration is a blessed message from our holy presence, a guidance and a divine bliss to the believers, it is our command. See how precious and valuable is the inspiration.

We have taught you a higher knowledge from our very presence. We are the wonders of all wonders, power and strength of the faithful. We are the peace of Peaceless. Cure of the incurable even witch and evil. We are the relief of the distressed. 
We have beautified this earth with our creations of birds and animals besides man and the sky with stars and planets.

Very surely we are present before you, back of you, right and left of you and even very near of you, knowing and hearing all that for and against you. Could you able to know our presence?

Very best we do hear your sincere prayer.

Our presence is with you, wherever you go, if  you believe.

Our authority is with you wherever you face adversity and sufferings, if  you pray.

Our pleasure is with you. Wherever you are at peace and at ease, if you realise.

Our guidance is with you, whenever you call us, if you request earnestly and sincerely.

Very surely with our signs and Authority we are with you seeing and listening all that for and against you. We whisper and speak by inspiration, could you able to hear? Be at peace and wait for our Inspiration and Guidance.


Very surely we do inspire and guide. Respect our presence with you. Respect our inspiration and guidance. Follow that which we inspire to you. No trouble or any misery will ever overtake you. Only the gifted respects it and gets knowledge and benefits. Inspiration is the property of the Prophets,  Sufis and Saints. It is from the Almighty for the fair and pure ones.


Value of Spiritual Messages

Why the spiritual message is valued high —  from all worldly messages?

For the ignorant in earth will also be ignorant as a spiritual figure in the after world.

Inspiration comes while at Perfect Peace and at ease, free from nervousness and worries.

Inspiration is the authority of the Almighty that speaks deep from the depth of your soul.


I am with those who are loved by me,

I am with those who are guided by me and

I am with those who are gifted by me.

I am with those who are sincere to me by heart and soul.

This is a bounty and supreme triumph from the Lord of Universe for all the fair and true ones.

Failure is far off beyond reach, when inspiration guides.

Inspiration is a divine gift which works out by the orders of the Almighty. It is not a subject for human wishes. It is fully divine. It comes as a sudden thought, a hunch, a voice from the soul, a guidance from the soul, as a bubble from the base of a tank, when the mind is free from all worries. All divine subjects have spoken through inspiration. The divine guidance is revealed in Prophetic dream or in awakened state as an Inspiration.

Truth is a hidden treasure of  your heart. Mediate, and see it to your pleasure..

Inspiration speaks on silence. Only very few hears it. Inspiration is the highest of all the gifts for the pure and perfect.

I am the Lord of Universe ever alive and eternal, seek me by sincere prayer. You will attain me.
I am the Lord of honourable Holy Thorne. Seek me by the spiritual knowledge. You will attain me.
So Powerful and Supreme is my Sovereign in and out of this earth. Seek me by knowledge and meditation. You will attain me

It is we who know all your past, present and future.

It is we who created death and life.

It is we who measured your breath in earth.

Very best we do know where would you be after death.


We are the hidden treasure of earth and heaven, ever alive and eternal, much sought object in meditation and by all the Holy Books. Instant relief of distress, praise of the Holy Angels. We are a witness on you for all that you do. All the Angels do worship. Why can’t you? We know very well the right and wrong. Enjoy the nearness of Spiritual Emperors with whom are our rich blessings and you will be saved from all pains and problems. Spiritual Emperors are the direct inheritance of Prophet. Spiritual loss is a loss which cannot be made good by any means. Spiritual loss has no life or any Peace. This will be realised on death.



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