The wonders of the Almighty works out, beyond human knowledge and thinking.
He is Almighty — the understander of finest mysteries —deep hidden mysteries in earth and heaven.
He is Almighty — the best of those who show mercy.
He is Almighty — who feeds the infants in water under creation.
He is Almighty — who feeds the frog locked up in the rock.
He is the Almighty – who is the seer of seen and unseen without eyes.
He is the Almighty – who is the hearer of spoken and unspoken without ears.
He is the Almighty – who is the knower of known and unknown.
He is the Almighty – to Him lies no challenges.
He is the Almighty – whose eternity has no ends.
He is the Almighty – who causes to grow the tree and fruit, who causes to grow the cell of an embryo.
He is the Almighty – who has neither partner nor any equal.
He is the Almighty – who is full of Holy.
He is the Almighty – whose sovereign is Holy.
He is the Almighty – the root of eternal peace and long lasting pleasure.
He is the Almighty – who is the master of all conditions.
He is the Almighty – whose mercy is infinite.
He is the Almighty – whose love is infinite.
He is the Almighty – whose help has no measures.
He is the Almighty – who is all powerful.
He is the Almighty – whose generosity has no limits.
He is the Almighty – whose Majesty has no injustice.
He is the Almighty – to Him lies no secret.
He is the Almighty – who is praise worthy and powerful by all means.
He is the Almighty – who creates without model or mould.
He is the Almighty – all praise are due to Him and thanks are due to Him.
He is the Almighty – who gives life for all human and all sub-human.
He is the Almighty – who formed your brain as a finest formation and ordered it to function with all supreme intelligence.
He is the Almighty – whose knowledge has no limit.
He is the Almighty – whose mercy is ever alive.
He is the Almighty – whose love is ever alive.
He is the Almighty – who is the inner most and fully aware of everything.
He is the Almighty – who is free of all wants.
He is the Almighty – who is the protector from all every accursed evil ones.
He is the Almighty – who causes to breathe you day and night.
He is the Almighty – who knows what every soul earns.
He is the Almighty – who is the seer of unseen by human eye.
He is the Almighty who is the observant of all your deeds good and bad.
He is the Almighty who knows the contents of each and every mind in earth, even hidden and deep hidden.
He is Almighty who made the heart of His devotees a bright one with Divine Wisdom.
The wonders of the Almighty works out beyond human knowledge and thinking.
He is Almighty who made man a time bound liver in earth.
He is Almighty who measured the distance between the sun and moon, earth and stars, who beautified the earth by human and sub human creations of bird and animals— each one with special skill according to the circumstances they live in.