What is Fate?

Fate is the orders of the Almighty on each and every soul. It is the axis that rotates life cycle. Forgive fate the wounds in your heart will heal instantly. But it is very hard to digest and forgive the fate. 
The wise forgives it with the knowledge of the Almighty. The appeals of the pure turns even the ill fate to a Good One.

Every soul should bear its own burden either good or bad. Every soul should have to read in the spiritual world its own book recorded by the two holy spiritual members attached on birth, all that done good or bad in life time.

The Will of the Almighty on each and every creation is Supreme what we generally call it as fate.
The fate is so powerful that never turns for pressures. Unless and until the Almighty is pleased the fate can never be changed. It is the Will of the Almighty that decided the time of your birth has decided the time of your death.

Under any circumstances do not forget to ask in prayer; it is the shield which protects you from all attacking arrows of evil ones.
Destiny is the decree of the Almighty. No one could exceed the decree of destiny. It is the sincere prayer that reverses the decree of destiny. Prayer fights against the evil if applied sincerely and perfectly.

No object remains in earth and heaven without the knowledge of the Almighty.

Man is a prisoner of fate in earth. 
But it is the divine wisdom that wins the fate.

Man never respects his fate. By all means man tries to cheat his fate. Fate can never be cheated by any means. How ignorance is the idea to try to cheat the fate. Fate can never be won. Death comes only by the spiritual record of fate. Only the extraordinary who knows the Almighty can turn the ill fate into a good one. Every soul is to taste death. This is the irrevocable spiritual law of divine. When all the material aid fails man says the fate has won.


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