Praise all be to the Almighty — ! Lord of all the worlds seen and secret, beneficent the most and matchless in Mercy, payer of the right wages on the Day of Judgment. We pray and ask none, but to you only, show us the straight path. The path of those who attained of you and not the path of those who earned your anger and gone to hell.

Right Path

The door of blessed wisdom opens for the pure and perfect. The Almighty embraces in His divine wisdom whom He loves, with whom He pleases. It is a mercy from Him. This is the path of the exalted in might, worthy of all praise.

PEACE — ! From the Holy Throne of the Almighty – Lord of Universe be ever on the Chief of Prophets and His beloved Companions and all the rest of Prophets and genius Sufis and who lift the flag of Truth.

O! The Almighty! Ever alive and eternal. Keep alive our souls fresh forever with all of your authority and miracle. Blot out our sins and lapses. Make us pure one, still better a purest one by your grace and blessings.

O ! The Ruler of the heart! Rule us with your ever living Mercy and Love, Peace and Prosperity forever.
O ! The Spiritual Light of seen and secret world, Much sought object in Meditation, Shelter of the Seeker, Help of the helpless, Base and bearer of the Universe ! Be full in us and bless us with your Richness and all the fair ones – dead and alive forever.

O ! The Ruler of all rulers ! Enlist us with those Richly blessed. Illuminate our souls with your spiritual light.

O ! The Life of the Universe!, make us ever alive, and join us with those ever alive in and out of this earth.
O ! The Purest! free our souls from the filth of this earth.
O ! The Strength of the strengthless! Strengthen us from all weakness.

O! The Gifter from the Mighty Throne!  Gift us all the best.

O! The Almighty — Nullify all the witch and evil against us. Free us from all pains seen and unseen. Grant us a good and perfect health.

O! The Almighty
My Lord and Lord of all the worlds seen and secret,
Seer without eyes,
Hearer without ears,
Helper without hands,
Knower without brain,
Speaker without tongue,
Ruler without boundary,
Gifter without measure,
Creator without moulds,
Teacher without books,
Roller without wheels,
Curer without medicines,
We seek your protection from all witch and evil seen and secret.

O! The blesser of Prophets and Sufis, bless us too — your inspiration and true knowledge.
O! The Super Healer! Heal the hurts of our hearts with the wonders of your cure and fill our hearts with your eternal bliss,
Our brain with your infinite intelligence,
Our souls with your everlasting Peace,
Our residence with all the Brightness of Prosperity and happiness in and out of this earth.


O! The Almighty! — Treasurer of earth and heaven!

Treasure us the richest from your ever living treasury.

O! The owner of finest intelligence, we beg your pardon by heart and soul. Forgive us and our lapses, give us inner strength, restore our peace and prosperity. Free us from all wants, grant us a perfect health. Bless us your limitless love and mercy. Free us from all challenges of witch and evil in and out of this earth.

O! The best Awarer of appeals! Could your mercy hear and grant this appeal


O! The Almighty seer of our heart without curtain and the merciest of all who show mercy. Admit us in your mercy ever alive and guide us to the path of high perfection. Remove all the disease of delusion from our heart. Bless us a rich blessing with all peace and pleasure and strengthen our heart from all weakness and worry.

O! The much sought object by the holy books and much sought object in meditation. Protect us from all witch and evil seen and unseen. Fill our hearts from your ever living treasury — the richness of earth and heaven. Awaken our sleeping mercy and wisdom.  Free our hearts from envy. Free our hearts from all ignorance. Free our hearts from all sins and make us a pure one by all means.
O! The Supreme Doctor of all doctors! — Doctor us from all undecipherable diseases.

Sincere prayer shortens the distance between you and the Almighty.

Very surely Sincere Prayer Strengthens your Heart and Soul

Sharpens your wisdom.

Restores Peace to your heart.

Frees you from all worries and pains.

Praise all be to the Almighty who created and shaped us as a fine figure.

Silent Prayer sharpens your intelligence still further.

Sincere appeal reverses the decree of destiny. The Almighty being the knower of spoken and unspoken nothing remains unheard.

O! The Lord of Supreme Mercy! Admit us in your mercy and make us to upkeep your love and mercy.

O! The Owner of East and West, North and South, Treasurer of Earth and Heaven.

Fill our Treasury full from your ever living Treasury.

Eye us by your pleasurable eyes.

Remove the cob-webs of poverty from our fate in and out of this earth.



Categories: Quotes

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